Source code for my_application.producer

# Copyright 2020 Nedeljko Radulovic, Dihia Boulegane, Albert Bifet
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
import time
import pause
from confluent_kafka import Producer
import csv
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from apscheduler.jobstores.mongodb import MongoDBJobStore
from repositories.CompetitionRepository import CompetitionRepository, DatastreamRepository
from repositories.KafkaToMongo import ConsumerToMongo
from repositories.BaselineToMongo import BaselineToMongo
import sparkEvaluator
from bson import json_util
import json
import orjson
from consumer import DataStreamerServicer
from stream_server import StreamServer
import os
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from sparkToMongo import SparkToMongo
from repository import MongoRepository
from multiprocessing import Process
from pyspark.sql.types import *
import logging

spark_master = "spark://" + 'SPARK_HOST' + ":7077"
_ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24

Read the environment variables or the config file to define the services:
SQL_HOST: The address of MySQL server
SQL_DBNAME: The name of the MySQL Database
KAFKA_HOST: The address of Kafka Server
MONGO_HOST: The address of MongoDB server
SPARK_DRIVER_HOST: The address of Spark Driver
with open('/home/nedeljko/PycharmProjects/Competition_to_publish/SCALAR/provider/my_application/config.json') as json_data_file:
    config = json.load(json_data_file)
    _SQL_HOST = os.environ['SQL_HOST']
except Exception:
    _SQL_HOST = config['SQL_HOST']
    _SQL_DBNAME = os.environ['SQL_DBNAME']
except Exception:
    _SQL_DBNAME = config['SQL_DBNAME']
    SERVER_HOST = os.environ['KAFKA_HOST']
except Exception:
    SERVER_HOST = config['KAFKA_HOST']
    _MONGO_HOST = os.environ['MONGO_HOST']
except Exception:
    _MONGO_HOST = config['MONGO_HOST']
except Exception:
except Exception:
except Exception:



def _create_competition(competition, competition_config):
    Starts the processes needed to run the competition.
    Reads the .csv file, initiates Kafka to start generating the stream.
    Starts the Spark online evaluation and writing of the results in MongoDB.

    :param competition: The competition object
    :param competition_config: Competition configuration dictionary
    :return: None
    items, predictions, initial_batch = read_csv_file(competition, competition_config)
    processes = []
    producer_process = Process(target=_start_competition, args=(competition, items, predictions, initial_batch))
        consumer_process = Process(target=_create_consumer, args=(competition, competition_config))
    except Exception as e:
        logging.debug("Consumer process exception: {}".format(e))
    baseline_process = Process(target=_create_baseline, args=(competition, competition_config))
    spark_process = Process(target=_create_evaluation_spark, args=(SERVER_HOST, competition, competition_config))
    mongo_sink_process = Process(target=_create_spark2mongo_sink, args=(SERVER_HOST, competition, competition_config))

    p6 = Process(target=_end_competition, args=(competition, processes))

[docs]def read_csv_file(competition, competition_config, data_format='csv'): """ Reads the data from a .csv file for a given competition. :param competition: Competition object :param competition_config: Cometition configuration :param data_format: Format of the data. For now, the only format supported is 'csv' :return: It returns the read data in batches(without the target value), the target values and the initial batch(with target values) """ initial_batch = [] items = [] predictions = [] classes = {} initial_batch_size = competition.initial_batch_size datastream = _DATASTREAM_REPO.get_datastream_by_id(competition.datastream_id) file_path = datastream.file_path # Creating file path: ../local/data/uploads/stream_data_file file_path = os.path.join(_UPLOAD_REPO, _STREAM_REPO, file_path) # _UPLOAD_REPO+ file_path # Read csv file count_classes = False for key in competition_config.keys(): for value in competition_config[key]: if value in ["kappa", "f1", "precision", "recall"]: count_classes = True classes[key] = [] if data_format == 'csv': try: with open(file_path, 'r') as csvfile: datareader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') data = list(datareader) nb_rows = len(data) header = data[0] row_id = 1 # Process initial batch for row in range(1, initial_batch_size + 1): if not all(item == "" for item in data[row]): values = {'tag': 'INIT', 'rowID': row_id} row_id = row_id + 1 for i in range(0, len(data[row])): field = header[i].replace(" ", "") values[field] = data[row][i] initial_batch.append(values) # After the initial batch for row in range(initial_batch_size + 1, nb_rows - 1): if not all(item == "" for item in data[row]): try: values = {'rowID': row_id} prediction = {'rowID': row_id} row_id = row_id + 1 for i in range(0, len(data[row])): for key in competition_config.keys(): x = header[i].lower().replace(' ', '') # Field name y = str(key.lower().replace(' ', '')) # Key # If field name == target = > prediction field = header[i].replace(" ", "") if x == y: prediction[field] = data[row][i] if count_classes: if str(data[row][i]) not in classes[field]: classes[field].append(str(data[row][i])) # If field name != target = > values else: values[field] = data[row][i] # add values to items list and prediction to predictions list items.append(values) predictions.append(prediction) except Exception as e: print('error') except IOError as e: print("could not open file" + file_path) return items, predictions, initial_batch
def _create_evaluation_spark(kafka_server, competition, competition_config): """ Creates new Spark session to handle given competition. Spark program consumes the messages from Kafka to do online evaluation and then store the metrics, predictions and original instances in MongoDB. :param kafka_server: IP address and port of the Kafka server to read from and write to :param competition: Competition object :param competition_config: Competition config :return: """ # Create Spark Session for online evaluation job spark_context = SparkSession \ .builder \ .appName("Kafka_structured_streaming") \ .master(spark_master) \ .config('spark.jars.packages', 'org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.0') \ .config('', SPARK_DRIVER_HOST) \ .config('spark.driver.port', SPARK_DRIVER_PORT) \ .config('spark.blockManager.port', SPARK_BLOCKMANAGER_PORT) \ .config('spark.executor.memory', '2g') \ .config('', 800) \ .config('spark.cleaner.referenceTracking.cleanCheckpoints', "true") \ .config('spark.shuffle.compress', 'true') \ .config('spark.checkpoint.compress', 'true') \ .config('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', 60) \ .getOrCreate() mongo = MongoRepository(_MONGO_HOST) db = mongo.client['evaluation_measures'] collection = db['standard_measures'] measures = collection.find({}) regression_measures = [] classification_measures = [] for m in measures: if m['type'] == 'regression': regression_measures.append(m['name']) if m['type'] == 'classification': classification_measures.append(m['name']) targets = [] for key in competition_config.keys(): y = str(key).replace(' ', '') # Key targets.append(y) # Fields for published message train_schema = StructType() \ .add("Deadline", StringType(), False) \ .add("Released", StringType(), False) \ .add("competition_id", IntegerType(), False) \ .add("rowID", IntegerType(), False) # Fields for prediction prediction_schema = StructType() \ .add("rowID", IntegerType(), False) \ .add("submitted_on", StringType(), False) \ .add("prediction_competition_id", IntegerType(), False) \ .add("user_id", IntegerType(), False) for target in targets: # Decide weather it is regression or classification for measure in competition_config[target.replace(" ", "")]: if measure in regression_measures: regression = True if target not in train_schema.fieldNames(): train_schema.add(target, StringType(), False) if target not in prediction_schema.fieldNames(): prediction_schema.add("prediction_" + target, FloatType(), False) elif measure in classification_measures: regression = False if target not in train_schema.fieldNames(): train_schema.add(target, StringType(), False) if target not in prediction_schema.fieldNames(): prediction_schema.add("prediction_" + target, StringType(), False) # Time window duration for watermarking window_duration = str(competition.predictions_time_interval) + " " + "seconds" prediction_window_duration = str(12 * competition.predictions_time_interval) + " " + "seconds" # Creating lists of column names which wiil be used later during calculations and transformations target_columns = [] # Target column names prediction_target_columns = [] # target column names in prediction messages, they have prefix "prediction_" measure_columns = [] # Measure column names, for every target sum_columns = [] # Column names after aggregation, automatically they will be named "sum(*)" columns_to_sum = ["latency", "num_submissions", "penalized", "total_num"] # Column names on which we should # apply aggregations for target in targets: target_col = target prediction_target_col = "prediction_" + target.replace(" ", "") for measure in competition_config[target.replace(" ", "")]: # measure column example: "MAPE_Valeurs" measure_col = str(measure) + "_" + target.replace(" ", "") # sum column example: "sum(MAPE_Valeurs)" sum_col = "sum(" + str(measure) + "_" + target.replace(" ", "") + ")" measure_columns.append(measure_col) sum_columns.append(sum_col) if measure_col not in columns_to_sum: columns_to_sum.append(measure_col) # columns_to sum = ["latency", "num_submissions", "penalized", "MAPE_Valeurs"] target_columns.append(target_col) prediction_target_columns.append(prediction_target_col) checkpoint_locations = ["/tmp/" +" ", "") + "prediction_checkpoint", "/tmp/" +" ", "") + "training_checkpoint", "/tmp/" +" ", "") + "measure_checkpoint"] sparkEvaluator.evaluate(spark_context=spark_context, kafka_broker=kafka_server, competition=competition, competition_config=competition_config, window_duration=window_duration, prediction_window_duration=prediction_window_duration, train_schema=train_schema, prediction_schema=prediction_schema, columns_to_sum=columns_to_sum, checkpoints=checkpoint_locations, targets=targets) spark_context.stop() def _create_spark2mongo_sink(kafka_server, competition, competition_config): """ Creates Mongo sink for Spark job to write to it. :param kafka_server: IP address and port of the Kafka server to read from and write to :param competition: Competition object :param competition_config: Competition config :return: """ spark_to_mongo = SparkToMongo(kafka_server," ", "") + 'spark_predictions'," ", "") + 'spark_golden'," ", "") + 'spark_measures', competition, competition_config) def _start_competition(competition, items, predictions, initial_batch): '''Starts Kafka producer to publish the stream.''' producer = CompetitionProducer(SERVER_HOST) producer.create_competition(competition, items, predictions, initial_batch) def _create_consumer(competition, competition_config): ''' Starts the consumer for streams of predictions sent by users.''' logging.debug("Creating consumer") options = (('grpc.so_reuseport', 1),) grpc_server = StreamServer('', options=options) try: streamer = DataStreamerServicer(SERVER_HOST, competition, competition_config) grpc_server.add_server(streamer, competition) grpc_server.start_server() grpc_server._wait_forever() except Exception as e: logging.debug("Inside consumer process: {}".format(e)) def _create_mongo_sink_consumer(topic, competition): '''Starts writing the data published in Kafka to MongoDB.''' mongo_writer = ConsumerToMongo(SERVER_HOST, topic, competition) mongo_writer.write() def _create_baseline(competition, competition_config): '''Starts the Baseline prediction model.''' topic =" ", "") baseline = BaselineToMongo(SERVER_HOST, topic, competition, competition_config) baseline.write() def _end_competition(competition, processes): """ Terminate competition processes. :param competition: :param processes: :return: """ pause.until(competition.end_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=62)) if > competition.end_date + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60): terminate(processes)
[docs]def terminate(processes): for process in processes: process.terminate()
[docs]class CompetitionProducer: """ """ daemon = True producer = None def __init__(self, server): conf = {'bootstrap.servers': server} self.producer = Producer(conf) # Create producer # message must be in byte format
[docs] def send(self, topic, message): self.producer.produce(topic, message) # Sending messages to a certain topic self.producer.poll(timeout=0)
[docs] def main(self, topic, initial_batch, items, predictions, initial_training_time, batch_size, time_interval, predictions_time_interval, spark_topic, competition_id): """ Recreates the stream. Sends the data in batches: first test (without the target value) and then train batches. All batches are sent according to the time intervals set for the current competition. :param topic: :param initial_batch: :param items: :param predictions: :param initial_training_time: :param batch_size: :param time_interval: :param predictions_time_interval: :param spark_topic: :param competition_id: :return: """ for item in initial_batch: try: # Send row by row from initial batch as json self.send(topic, orjson.dumps(item)) except Exception as e: # Check if topic exists, if not, create it and then send print(e) # After sending initial batch, sleep for initial training time time.sleep(int(initial_training_time)) # Creating lists of batch size, one for test items with just values and second with predictions for training test_groups = list(self.chunker(items, batch_size)) train_groups = list(self.chunker(predictions, batch_size)) i = -1 # Accessing each group in the list test_groups for group in test_groups: # In parallel accessing the predictions # Adding tag, deadline and released at to every item in train group / prediction released_at = # for item in test group add tag, deadline and released for item in group: item['tag'] = 'TEST' item['Deadline'] = str(released_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(predictions_time_interval))) item['Released'] = str(released_at) item['competition_id'] = str(competition_id) # Sending testing items try: self.send(topic, orjson.dumps(item)) except Exception as e: print(e) i = i + 1 train_group = train_groups[i] for item in train_group: deadline = released_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(predictions_time_interval)) item['Deadline'] = deadline.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") item['Released'] = released_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") item['competition_id'] = competition_id try: self.send(spark_topic, orjson.dumps(item)) except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(time_interval) for item in train_group: item['tag'] = 'TRAIN' item['Deadline'] = released_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(predictions_time_interval)) item['Released'] = released_at try: self.send(topic, orjson.dumps(item, default=json_util.default)) except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(time_interval) self.producer.flush()
[docs] @staticmethod def chunker(seq, size): """ Returns data in chunks (batches) of a given size. """ return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in range(0, len(seq), size))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_not_empty(row): """Check if row is empty.""" return all(item == "" for item in row)
[docs] def create_competition(self, competition, items, predictions, initial_batch): """Create a competition and start releasing the data stream.""" self.main(" ", ""), initial_training_time=competition.initial_training_time, initial_batch=initial_batch, items=items, predictions=predictions, batch_size=competition.batch_size, time_interval=competition.time_interval, predictions_time_interval=competition.predictions_time_interval," ", "") + 'spark_train', competition_id=competition.competition_id)
[docs]class Scheduler: """ Job Scheduler. Used to store new competitions in MongoDBJobStore and initiate the beginning of the competition based on its start date. """ def __init__(self): jobstores = { 'default': MongoDBJobStore(database='apscheduler', collection='jobs', host=_MONGO_HOST, port=27017)} self.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(jobstores=jobstores) # print("Version: ", sys.version)
[docs] def schedule_competition(self, competition, competition_config): """ Schedule when the competition starts and ends. :param competition: Competition object :param competition_config: Competition config """ competition_job_id = str( start_date = competition.start_date end_date = competition.end_date year = start_date.year month = start_date.month day = hour = start_date.hour minute = start_date.minute second = start_date.second publish_job = self.scheduler.add_job(_create_competition, trigger='cron', year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, args=[competition, competition_config], job_id_to_remove =
[docs] def start(self): """ Starts the scheduler. """ self.scheduler.start()
def _stop_competition(self, job_id, end_date): """ Stopping the competition when end date and time has been reached. """ self.scheduler.add_job(self.scheduler.remove_job, 'date', run_date=end_date, args=[job_id])