Source code for my_application.sparkToMongo

# Copyright 2020 Nedeljko Radulovic, Dihia Boulegane, Albert Bifet
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import datetime
from repository import MongoRepository
from confluent_kafka import Consumer
import json
import orjson
import os

"Read environment variables."
with open('/home/nedeljko/PycharmProjects/Competition_to_publish/SCALAR/provider/my_application/config.json') as json_data_file:
    config = json.load(json_data_file)
    _MONGO_HOST = os.environ['MONGO_HOST']
except Exception:
    _MONGO_HOST = config['MONGO_HOST']

[docs]class SparkToMongo: """ Consumer of Spark data class. This class implements Kafka consumer to receive data from Spark and store it in MongoDB. It handles messages from 3 topics: Evaluation metrics(aka. measures), predictions, and original data records (aka. golden). """ def __init__(self, kafka_server, prediction_topic, golden_topic, measures_topic, competition, configuration): self.consumer = Consumer({'': 'spark_measures', 'bootstrap.servers': kafka_server, '': competition.initial_training_time * 10000, 'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest'}) self.consumer.subscribe([prediction_topic, golden_topic, measures_topic]) self.mongo_repository = MongoRepository(_MONGO_HOST) self.db_evaluations = self.mongo_repository.client['evaluation_measures'] self.competition = competition self.config = configuration self.prediction_topic = prediction_topic self.golden_topic = golden_topic self.measures_topic = measures_topic self.db_data = self.mongo_repository.client['data']
[docs] def process_measures(self, mess, previous_batch, now): """ Process the messages on measures topic. Write to 'evaluation_measures' database. :param mess: current message :param previous_batch: previous message :param now: timestamp 'now', to follow the time interval between the messages. :return: """ db = self.mongo_repository.client['evaluation_measures'] measures_coll = db['measures'] message = orjson.loads(mess.value()) try: if previous_batch < message['total_number_of_messages']: now = previous_batch = message['total_number_of_messages'] time_series_instance = {'nb_submissions': message['num_submissions'], 'user_id': int(message['user_id']), 'competition_id': message['competition_id'], 'end_date': now, 'latency': message['latency'], 'penalized': message['penalized'], 'measures': {}, 'batch_measures': {}, 'start_date': now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.competition.predictions_time_interval), 'total_number_of_messages': message['total_number_of_messages']} fields_to_skip = ['user_id', 'competition_id', 'num_submissions', 'start_date', 'latency', 'penalized', 'total_number_of_messages'] for key, value in message.items(): if key not in fields_to_skip: measures = {} batch_measures = {} new_fields = str(key).replace(" ", "").split("_") time_series_instance['measures'][new_fields[1]] = measures time_series_instance['batch_measures'][new_fields[1]] = batch_measures time_series_instance['measures'][new_fields[1]][new_fields[0]] = message[key] time_series_instance['batch_measures'][new_fields[1]][new_fields[0]] = message[key] measures_coll.insert_one(time_series_instance) except Exception as e: print(e) return previous_batch, now
[docs] def process_predictions(self, mess): """ Receive and store predictions in 'predictions_v2' database in MongoDB :param mess: message as json to write :return: """ predictions = self.db_data['predictions_v2'] prediction = orjson.loads(mess.value()) predictions.insert_one(prediction)
[docs] def process_golden(self, mess): """ Receive and store the original data records, write them to 'golden_standard' database in MongoDB. :param mess: message as json :return: """ golden = self.db_data['golden_standard'] message = orjson.loads(mess.value()) golden.insert_one(message)
[docs] def run(self): """ Main method, polls Kafka consumer for new messages. :return: """ previous = 0 date = while True: msg = self.consumer.poll(timeout=0) if msg is None: continue if msg.topic() == self.measures_topic: previous, date = self.process_measures(msg, previous_batch=previous, now=date) elif msg.topic() == self.golden_topic: self.process_golden(msg) elif msg.topic() == self.prediction_topic: self.process_predictions(msg) elif msg.error(): continue