Source code for my_application.views

# Copyright 2020 Nedeljko Radulovic, Dihia Boulegane, Albert Bifet
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import print_function
import time
from producer import Scheduler
from datetime import datetime
from flask import render_template, Response, Flask, stream_with_context, request, jsonify, send_file
from auth import decode_auth_token, get_auth_token
from subscription_auth import get_subscription_token
from functools import wraps
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
import json
import os
import os.path
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
from grpc_tools import protoc
from repositories.CompetitionRepository import CompetitionRepository, Competition, Datastream, DatastreamRepository, \
    User, UserRepository, Subscription, SubscriptionRepository
from repository import MongoRepository
import logging
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
import csv
from io import StringIO
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from hashids import Hashids
import eventlet

with open('/home/nedeljko/PycharmProjects/Competition_to_publish/SCALAR/provider/my_application/config.json') as json_data_file:
    config = json.load(json_data_file)

# Defining the mail client
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['MAIL_SERVER'] = config['MAIL_SERVER']
app.config['MAIL_PORT'] = config['MAIL_PORT']
app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = config['MAIL_USERNAME']
app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = config['MAIL_PASSWORD']
MAIL_USE_TSL = (config['MAIL_USE_TLS'].lower() == 'true')
MAIL_USE_SSL = (config['MAIL_USE_SSL'].lower() == 'true')
app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS'] = MAIL_USE_TSL
app.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = MAIL_USE_SSL
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = config['SECRET_KEY']
mail = Mail(app)
app.debug = True

# Start scheduler
_SCHEDULER = Scheduler()

[docs]def generate_confirmation_token(email): serializer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) return serializer.dumps(email, salt=app.config['SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT'])
[docs]def confirm_token(token, expiration=3600): serializer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: email = serializer.loads( token, salt=app.config['SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT'], max_age=expiration ) except Exception as e: return False return email
# Generate hash code for competitions hashids = Hashids()
[docs]def code_generator(competition_id): return hashids.encode(competition_id)
jinja_options = app.jinja_options.copy() jinja_options.update(dict( block_start_string='<%', block_end_string='%>', variable_start_string='%%', variable_end_string='%%', comment_start_string='<#', comment_end_string='#>' )) app.jinja_options = jinja_options try: _SQL_HOST = os.environ['SQL_HOST'] except Exception: _SQL_HOST = config['SQL_HOST'] try: _SQL_DBNAME = os.environ['SQL_DBNAME'] except Exception: _SQL_DBNAME = config['SQL_DBNAME'] try: _MONGO_HOST = os.environ['MONGO_HOST'] except Exception: _MONGO_HOST = config['MONGO_HOST'] _COMPETITION_REPO = CompetitionRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _DATASTREAM_REPO = DatastreamRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _USER_REPO = UserRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO = SubscriptionRepository(_SQL_HOST, _SQL_DBNAME) _MONGO_REPO = MongoRepository(_MONGO_HOST) # Standard evaluation measures, should be written in MongoDB if they don't exist there already standard_measures = [{'id': 1, 'name': 'MAPE', 'type': 'regression'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'MSE', 'type': 'regression'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'MAE', 'type': 'regression'}, {'id': 4, 'name': 'ACC', 'type': 'classification'}, {'id': 5, 'name': 'kappa', 'type': 'classification'}] _MONGO_REPO.insert_standard_measures(standard_measures=standard_measures) ############################ "Create a default admin user" if _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email("admin") is None: user = User(user_id=1, first_name='admin', last_name='admin', email='admin', password='admin', role='ADMIN', confirmed=True, _USER_REPO.insert_one(user) _USER_REPO.session.commit() ############################ "Create a default datastream" if _DATASTREAM_REPO.get_datastream_by_id(1) is None: datastream = Datastream(1, name="Test", file_path="../example_data/competition_data/competition_stream.csv", description="Datastream for test") _DATASTREAM_REPO.insert_one(datastream) _DATASTREAM_REPO.session.commit() ############################
[docs]def authorized(*roles): """ Give authorization only to ADMIN user for some routes. :param roles: :return: """ def wrapper(f): @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): token = request.headers.get('Authorization') decoded = decode_auth_token(token) # print decoded if decoded[0] != 200: return decoded[1] user = decoded[1] logging.debug("Decorator: {}".format(user)) if roles: user_roles = [str(r) for r in user['roles']] if "roles" not in user or len(set(user_roles).intersection(set(roles))) == 0: # return "Not Allowed" return json.dumps('Forbidden Admin Only'), 403, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} return f(user, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
[docs]@app.route('/') def index(): return render_template("base.html")
###################################################################################### ############ Auth Server ############ ###################################################################################### # TODO: add checking on email confirmation and add decorator
[docs]@app.route('/auth/login', methods=['POST']) def login(): """ Login route. Provide the credentials (email/password). :return: """ user_name = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] user = { 'id': user_name, 'password': password } token = get_auth_token(user) _USER_REPO.session.commit() if token[0] != 200: return json.dumps(token[1]).encode('utf-8'), 401, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} return jsonify({'access_token': token[1].decode("utf-8")})
[docs]@app.route('/auth/api/account/me') @authorized('ADMIN', 'USER') def me(user): return jsonify(user)
[docs]@app.route('/auth/api/account/confirm/<token>') def confirm_email(token): """ Check if the confirmation token is correct. :param token: :return: """ logging.debug("Token: {}".format(token)) try: email = confirm_token(token) except Exception as e: logging.debug("Token not valid") user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email(email) _USER_REPO.session.commit() if user is None: print("User not registered.") else: if user.confirmed: logging.debug("already confirmed") else: _USER_REPO.confirm_user(user) print('Account confirmed') return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/auth/register', methods=['POST']) def register(): """ Registration route. Provides a form to register to the platform. Parameters: - First name, last name, email, password Then the confirmation e-mail is sent with a token to validate the registration. :return: Response: {200: confirm success} """ data = json.loads('utf-8')) web = config["WEB_ADDRESS"] first_name = data['firstName'] last_name = data['lastName'] email = data['email'] password = data['password'] confirmed = False user = User(user_id=None, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, password=password, role='USER', confirmed=confirmed, confirmed_on=None) _USER_REPO.insert_one(user) _USER_REPO.session.commit() token = generate_confirmation_token(email) # Sending Confirmation email msg = Message('Streaming Data Challenge : Registration confirmed', sender=config['MAIL_USERNAME'], recipients=[email]) msg.body = "Hello " + first_name + ' ' + last_name + ", \n\nWelcome to Streaming Data Challenge platform! \n\nCheers, \nThe team \n\nPlease click on the link below to confirm your e-mail.\n" "http://" + web + ":80/auth/api/account/confirm/" + token mail.send(msg) return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/auth/admin/accounts') @authorized('ADMIN') def get_users(user): users = _USER_REPO.get_all_users() return jsonify([u.serialize() for u in users])
[docs]@app.route('/auth/admin/accounts/delete', methods=['POST']) @authorized('ADMIN') def delete_users(user): users = json.loads( _USER_REPO.delete_many(users) return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/test') @authorized('ADMIN') def test(): return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
###################################################################################### ############ Resource Server ############ ######################################################################################
[docs]@app.route('/api/competitions', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def competitions(): """ Competitions route. Implements two methods: GET: retrieve the competitions POST: create new competition: Parameters: - Competition name - Datastream - Description of the competition - Competition settings: size of initial batch, initial training time, size of a regular batch, time interval between the batches, name of the label column and the evaluation metric, start and end date, time interval to send the predictions, .proto file :return: Responses: {200: If method== "GET", return the list of the competitions, If method == "POST", confirm success, 500: Error} """ if request.method == 'GET': status = request.args.get('status') page = request.args.get('page') step = request.args.get('step') competitions = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_all_competitions(status, int(page), int(step)) return jsonify(competitions) if request.method == 'POST': # Adding a competition data = dict(request.form) data = data['competition'] data = data[0] data = json.loads(data) # TODO: store in mongodb competition_config = data['config'] print("Competition configuration: ", competition_config) logging.debug("Competition config: {}".format(competition_config)) name = data['name'] datastream_id = data['datastream_id'] initial_batch_size = data['initial_batch_size'] initial_training_time = data['initial_training_time'] batch_size = data['batch_size'] time_interval = data['time_interval'] target_class = data['target_class'] logging.debug("Competition target: {}".format(target_class)) start_date = data['start_date'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '') end_date = data['end_date'].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', '') predictions_time_interval = data['predictions_time_interval'] description = data['description'] data_file = request.files['file'] file_name = data_file.filename # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions if data_file and allowed_file(file_name): # Make the filename safe, remove unsupported chars extension = get_file_extension(file_name) filename = secure_filename(str(name) + str(extension)) # Move the file form the temporal folder to # the upload folder we setup proto_directory = os.path.join(config['UPLOAD_REPO'], config['COMPETITION_PROTO_REPO'], name) if not os.path.exists(proto_directory): os.makedirs(proto_directory), 'file.proto')) generated_code_directory = os.path.join(config['UPLOAD_REPO'], config['COMPETITION_GENERATED_CODE'], name) if not os.path.exists(generated_code_directory): os.makedirs(generated_code_directory) try: with open(generated_code_directory + '/', "w+") as f: f.write('') except Exception: pass try: protoc.main(('', '-I' + proto_directory, '--python_out=' + generated_code_directory, '--grpc_python_out=' + generated_code_directory, os.path.join(proto_directory, 'file.proto'))) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) code = '' competition = Competition(None, name=name, datastream_id=datastream_id, initial_batch_size=initial_batch_size, initial_training_time=initial_training_time, batch_size=batch_size, time_interval=time_interval, target_class=target_class, start_date=start_date, file_path=file_name, predictions_time_interval=predictions_time_interval, end_date=end_date, description=description, code=code) _COMPETITION_REPO.insert_one(competition) code = code_generator(competition.competition_id) _COMPETITION_REPO.set_competition_code(competition.competition_id, code) evaluation_measures = {'competition_id': competition.competition_id, 'measures': competition_config} _MONGO_REPO.insert_document('evaluation_measures', 'evaluation_measures', evaluation_measures) _SCHEDULER.schedule_competition(competition, competition_config) return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} return json.dumps({'error': True}), 500, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/competitions/<competition_id>') def get_competition_info(competition_id): """ Retrieve the competition by its id. :param competition_id: Competition id :return: The competition object """ competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(competition_id) logging.debug("Competition info request!") return jsonify(competition.serialize())
[docs]@app.route('/api/datastreams', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def get_datastreams(): """ Datastreams route. It implements 2 methods: - GET: retrieve already existing datasets - POST: add new dataset Parameters: - Dataset name - Dataset description - Dataset file :return: Responses: {If method == "GET": return the list of the datasets, If method == "POST": {200: confirm success, 500: Error} """ if request.method == 'GET': status = request.args.get('status') page = request.args.get('page') step = request.args.get('step') datastreams = [] logging.debug("Page, step: {}, {}".format(page, step)) if str(page) == 'null' or str(step) == 'null': datastreams = _DATASTREAM_REPO.get_all_datastreams(page=None, step=None) else: datastreams = _DATASTREAM_REPO.get_all_datastreams(int(page), int(step)) return jsonify(datastreams) if request.method == 'POST': data = dict(request.form) data = data['datastream'] data = data[0] data = json.loads(data) data_file = request.files['file'] name = data['name'] description = data['description'] file_name = data_file.filename # Check if the file is one of the allowed types/extensions if data_file and allowed_file(file_name): # Make the filename safe, remove unsupported chars extension = get_file_extension(file_name) # Move the file form the temporal folder to # the upload folder we setup data_directory = os.path.join(config['UPLOAD_REPO'], config['STREAM_DATA_FILE']) data_file_name = name + extension ds_path = os.path.join(data_directory, data_file_name) if not os.path.exists(data_directory): os.makedirs(data_directory) datastream = Datastream(None, name=name, file_path=data_file_name, description=description) _DATASTREAM_REPO.insert_one(datastream) return json.dumps({'success': True}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} return json.dumps({'error': True}), 500, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/datastreams/<datastream_id>') def get_datastream_info(datastream_id): """ Retrieve information about the dataset. :param datastream_id: Dataset id :return: Response: Return the information about the dataset (name, description) """ datastream = _DATASTREAM_REPO.get_datastream_by_id(datastream_id) return jsonify(datastream.serialize())
[docs]@app.route('/api/results/<competition_id>') def results_by_user_by_competition(competition_id): """ Retrieve results of the users for a given competition. :param competition_id: Competition id :return: List of users with results """ results = _MONGO_REPO.get_results_by_user(competition_id) return jsonify(results)
[docs]@app.route('/api/subscriptions', methods=['POST']) def subscriptions(): """ Subscriptions route. Registers the users' subscriptions to competitions. :return: Responses: {200: Confirm success} """ user_secret_key = '' try: data = json.loads('utf-8')) competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(data['competition_id']) user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email(data['user']) if competition is not None and user is not None: # insert subscriptions subscription = Subscription(None, competition.competition_id, user.user_id) _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.insert_one(subscription) user_secret_key = get_subscription_token(competition.competition_id, data['user']) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) if len(user_secret_key) > 0: return json.dumps({'secret_key': user_secret_key[1].decode('utf-8')}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} else: return json.dumps({'secret_key': user_secret_key}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/subscriptions/delete', methods=['POST']) def delete_subscription(): """ Removes the subscription for a competition :return: Response: {200: OK} """ try: data = json.loads( competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(data['competition_id']) user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email(data['user']) if competition is not None and user is not None: # insert subscriptions subscription = _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.get_subscription(competition.competition_id, user.user_id) _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.delete_one(subscription) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return json.dumps('OK'), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/subscriptions/check') def check_subscription(): """ Check if user is subscribed to a given competition. :return: True or False """ user = request.args.get('user') competition = request.args.get('competition') s = _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.check_subscription(competition, user) return json.dumps(s), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/subscriptions/secret') def get_secret_key(): """ Retrieve the subscription token for a given user and competition. :return: Responses:{200: Confirm the token, 404: If user is not subscribed} """ user_id = request.args.get('user') competition_id = request.args.get('competition') user_secret_key = '' try: competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(competition_id) user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_email(user_id) logging.debug("User, competition: {}, {}".format(user, competition)) if competition is not None and user is not None: # insert subscriptions if _SUBSCRIPTION_REPO.check_subscription(competition.competition_id, user.user_id): user_secret_key = get_subscription_token(competition_id, user_id) except Exception as e: pass if len(user_secret_key) > 0: return json.dumps({'secret_key': user_secret_key[1].decode("utf-8")}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} else: return json.dumps({'secret_key': user_secret_key}), 404, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/api/users/<user_id>/competitions') def get_competitions_by_user(user_id): """ Retrieve the list of the competitions to which user is subscribed. :param user_id: User ID :return: List the competitions. """ status = request.args.get('status') page = request.args.get('page') step = request.args.get('step') user_competitions = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competitions_by_user(user_id, status, int(page), int(step)) return jsonify(user_competitions)
[docs]@app.route('/api/evaluation/<competition_id>') def get_competition_evaluation_measure(competition_id): """ Get evaluation measures for a given competition. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: Evaluation measure, or list if there are multiple """ competition_measures = _MONGO_REPO.get_competition_evaluation_measures(competition_id) logging.debug("Competition measures: {}".format(competition_measures)) return jsonify(competition_measures)
[docs]@app.route('/api/evaluation/measures') def get_standard_evaluation_measures(): """ Get all available evaluation measures. :return: List of the evaluation measures """ measures = _MONGO_REPO.get_standard_evaluation_measures() return jsonify(measures)
[docs]@app.route('/api/leaderboard/<competition_id>') def get_leaderboard_by_competition(competition_id): """ Leaderboard route. Retrieves the results, for a given competition, for all the users to show it on the leaderboard. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: Ordered list with users and their results """ field = request.args.get('field') measure = request.args.get('measure') results = [] # TODO Check this query competition_results = _MONGO_REPO.get_users_ranking_by_field_by_measure(competition_id, field, measure) for r in competition_results: if r['id'] >= 100 or r['id'] < 1: first_name = "Test" last_name = "Baseline" res = {'id': r['id'], 'firstName': first_name, 'lastName': last_name, 'email': " ", 'measure': r['measures']} else: user = _USER_REPO.get_user_by_id(r['id']) res = {'id': r['id'], 'firstName': user.first_name, 'lastName': user.last_name, 'email':, 'measure': r['measures']} results.append(res) return jsonify(results)
[docs]@app.route("/competition/<competition_id>/stream") def get_competition_stream(competition_id): """ Retrieve the stream. NOT USED. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: """ db = _MONGO_REPO.client['data'] collection = db['data'] stream = collection.find_one({"competition_id": competition_id}) return json.dumps(stream['dataset']), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route("/competition/<competition_id>/golden_standard") def get_competition_golden_standard(competition_id): """ Retrieve the dataset with labels (training dataset). NOT USED. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: """ db = _MONGO_REPO.client['data'] collection = db['golden_standard'] stream = collection.find_one({"competition_id": competition_id}) return json.dumps(stream['dataset']), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
# These are the extension that we are accepting to be uploaded app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'] = {'csv', 'xls', 'proto'}
[docs]def allowed_file(filename): """ Check if the file has an allowed file extension. :param filename: :return: True/False """ return '.' in filename and \ filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] in app.config['ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS']
[docs]def get_file_extension(filename): """ Get the extension of the file. :param filename: :return: """ file_name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) return extension
[docs]@app.route('/topic/<competition_id>/<field>/<measure>/<user_id>') def get_messages(competition_id, field, measure, user_id): """ Stream live results to the chart. :param competition_id: Competition ID :param field: Label column :param measure: Evaluation metric :param user_id: User ID :return: Batch metrics to be shown on the live chart. """ def stream_results(competition): # Getting competition from Database # Check if competition finished or no now = if competition.end_date > now: logging.debug("Competition not over yet!") evaluation_time_interval = 30 if competition.start_date > now: # Competition hasn't started yet data = 'retry: 100000000\n' data = data + 'data: {0}\n\n'.format(json.dumps({"Error": 'Competition not started Yet'})) return data else: # Get Initial Measures results = _MONGO_REPO.get_results_by_user(competition.competition_id, field, measure, user_id) data = 'retry: 100000000\n' data = data + 'data: {0}\n\n'.format(json.dumps({"status": 'INIT', "results": results})) return data else: # Ended competition logging.debug("Competition finished!") results = _MONGO_REPO.get_results_by_user(competition_id, field, measure, user_id) data = 'retry: 100000000\n' data = data + 'data: {0}\n\n'.format(json.dumps({"status": 'INIT', "results": results})) return data try: competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(competition_id) if competition is not None: request.environ['eventlet.minimum_write_chunk_size'] = 1 Response.content_type = 'text/event-stream' return Response(stream_results(competition), mimetype="text/event-stream") else: return json.dumps('Competition not found !, please check'), 404, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return json.dumps('Competition not found !, please check'), 404, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
[docs]@app.route('/download/data/<competition_id>') def download_data(competition_id): """ Download the .csv file with the records from the stream that have been published until now. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: .csv file """ def generate(): data = StringIO() w = csv.writer(data) # Getting the dataset results = _MONGO_REPO.get_competition_data_records(competition_id) dataset = results['dataset'] # TODO : put deadline at the end # Writing the header d = dataset[0] headers = d.keys() t = tuple(headers) w.writerow(t) yield data.getvalue() data.truncate(0) # write each dataset item for item in dataset: v = tuple(item.values()) w.writerow(v) yield data.getvalue() data.truncate(0) # add a filename headers = Headers() headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=competition_id + 'data.csv') # stream the response as the data is generated return Response(stream_with_context(generate()), mimetype='text/csv', headers=headers)
[docs]@app.route("/download/proto/<competition_id>") def download_proto_file(competition_id): """ Download the proto file for a given competition. :param competition_id: Competition ID :return: Responses: {.proto file, 404: File not found} """ competition = _COMPETITION_REPO.get_competition_by_id(competition_id) if competition is None: return json.dumps('Competition not found !, please check'), 404, {'ContentType': 'application/json'} try: path = os.path.join(config['UPLOAD_REPO'], config['COMPETITION_PROTO_REPO'],, 'file.proto') print(path) return send_file(path, as_attachment=True) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return json.dumps('no File'), 404, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
if __name__ == '__main__': http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app) http_server.serve_forever()